5 Easy Ways To Cut Back On Car Clutter

View to the full loaded car.
View to the full loaded car.

When trying to get our homes in order, deciding where to start is often the hardest part. So we've been rounding up the best tips from the top cleaning and organizing experts to help youget a fresh starton these projects. Make sure to visit ourPinterest boardto see all of this helpful info in one place.

While our kitchens and bathrooms can be hot spots for messes,Green And Clean Mom blogger Sommer Poquettereminds us that our interiors are not the only place that could use some extra attention. She suggestsmaking sure to declutter the caron a regular basis, so our daily trips are stress-free.

Poquette says you don't need expensive organizing supplies made specifically for your automobile. Instead, she suggests hanging reusable grocery bags tightly on the back of the front seats, which can hold snacks, games and serve as a trash receptacle. She also places a grocery basket beside her on the front seat for her own daily necessities like her cell phone, sunglasses, chapstick and pens, which she can easily move to the garage or elsewhere when she has a full carload.

To keep her ride clean and tidy, Poquette stashesDIY green cleansing wipesand always has paper towels on hand for any spills (she lovesWhite Cloud Green Earth brand). It's also helpful to use a waterproof mat in the trunk that can be hosed off after being exposed to wet shoes, sports equipment and strollers.

declutter the car
declutter the car

Illustration by Raydene Salinas

Another fun tip from Poquette:

Allow the kids to get involved in cleaning at home: She gives the kids mismatched socks to put on their hands with a drop of coconut oil and they have fun helping her polish the furniture and window blinds!

Have a great tip or trick to add to our list? Let us know!

Never Come Home To A Mess Again

Afraid you'll fall off the cleaning bandwagon? One of the best ways to stay on track is jotting down the tasks you'd like to accomplish. We spoke with Becky from Clean Mama who provides a free printable cleaning calendar every month to help remind you of daily tasks like checking your kitchen floors and countertops for crumbs. <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/04/cleaning-home-schedule_n_2398991.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">Click here to read more.</a>

One Kitchen Appliance You Should Be Using Daily

Making new habits is one small way to keep your house under control, but that's easier said than done. But Dana from A Slob Comes Clean tells her readers that if they start with their kitchen, there's hope for the rest of the house! <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/07/running-dishwasher-daily_n_2427247.html?1357597231">Click here to read more. </a>

What You Need To Ask Yourself While Organizing

Brooks Palmer, blogger and author of Clutter Busting says to pick up each possession and ask yourself, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/09/let-go-of-clutter-organizing_n_2442544.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">do I need this, or can I let it go? </a>Isolating each item will help you think clearly and identify if you're only hanging on to it because you are afraid of hurting someone's feelings, it has memories attached to it or you spent a lot of money on it. Afterwards, you'll feel great -- clutter just takes up space and gets in the way of what you really want to do with your space.

Cleaning's Not Only Stressful, It Burns

Tossing your stuff, no matter how insignificant, is emotional and frustrating. That's why Beth Zeigler from Bneato compares getting organized to working out: You're not doing something right if you don't feel the burn. In other words, you just have to dive in there and <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/11/take-stress-out-of-decluttering_n_2458611.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">don't give up until it's done</a>, and you'll be so glad you did afterwards.

How Often Should You Be Tackling Laundry?

Tasks like laundry are so tedious, we tend to put them off until we can do a lot at once, like on the weekends. As a result, we end up stressing through our Saturdays, battling a seemingly bottomless pile. But surprisingly, Bonnie Donahue from House Of Grace tells us <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/17/laundry-stress-daily-routine_n_2498787.html">that it's easier to do a little daily instead.</a> "A load a day keeps the piles away," says Donahue. (Sounds like we have a new mantra!)

Reveal The Hidden Space In Your Closet

Of course we're usually most concerned with straightening up the areas in our home that are on display, and we're often guilty of shoving piles into cabinets and closets minutes before guests are arriving. But Anna Moseley, blogger behind our daily read 'Ask Anna' tells us that hiding our clutter behind doors just leads to more stress. Instead, you should feel good about your storage nooks. And to do this, she says, you need to <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/22/ask-anna-maximize-closet-space_n_2528808.html?utm_hp_ref=huffpost-home&ir=HuffPost%20Home">maximize the space you have by tailoring your storage solutions to your closet layout.</a>

Your Car Has A Lot More Room Than You Think

We're so busy taking care of the stresses we face everywhere we go that it often slips our minds to give our automobiles the attention they need. A great way to start is de-cluttering any unnecessary junk. You probably have more things than you need in the trunk, backseat and glove compartments, and these all add up to one big messy situation.
We're so busy taking care of the stresses we face everywhere we go that it often slips our minds to give our automobiles the attention they need. A great way to start is de-cluttering any unnecessary junk. You probably have more things than you need in the trunk, backseat and glove compartments, and these all add up to one big messy situation.

Fresh Start

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.