5 Amazing Mail-Order Ice Creams, for When It's Too Hot to Leave the House

Nestled in a bowl, piled high on a cone, or eaten straight out of the pint, ice cream is our go-to remedy for insufferably hot weather. A quick jaunt to the nearest ice cream truck or grocery store is an easy way to cool down from the inside out--but there are days when the temperature is so excruciatingly high that it's borderline impossible to leave the comfort of your air-conditioned home or office for a scoop, which is why it's crucial to keep your freezer fully stocked at all times.

Enter: mail-order ice cream. Thanks to technology and dry ice, some of the best ice cream companies in the country can now deliver pints straight to your doorstep. It's the perfect way to treat yo-self, or say thank you to that one friend with the clutch beach house you've been enjoying all summer. Below, we've rounded up some of the best ice cream delivery services available online today--check 'em out!