4 Celebrities Who Are Musically Inclined


Yeo Jin Goo - Guitar

After learning the guitar online and through books, we say kudos to this young man for mastering the stringed instrument so quickly for his 2015 drama, Orange Marmalade. Not only that, Yeo Jin Goo also plays the piano and drums. Do we hear a new K-pop idol in the making?

Watch Yeo Jin Goo as a prince who bets on his throne on The Royal Gambler


Lee Junho - Drums

Back in 2010, he once mentioned in an interview that he’d like to pick up drums and thankfully, it came true. He even showed off his drumming skills during his solo concert in Japan and left the fan girls squealing for more! From singing to acting and even playing musical instruments, what can’t this idol do?

Watch Junho as a up and coming lawyer in Memory


Song Jae Rim - Saxophone

Known as a casanova from his We Got Married days, Song Jae Rim sure captured the hearts of ladies out there with his smooth saxophone performances on TV. He first picked up the instrument to strengthen his lungs after a surgery and we’re grateful he did!

Watch Song Jae Rim as an editor in Goodbye Mr Black


Kang So Ra - Piano

As a surprise for her ‘husband’ Lee Teuk, Kang So Ra first showed her skills on We Got Married after playing a piece for him. Stepping back into dramas, she became an aspiring composer in Dream High 2 and played the keys along with her self-produced song. We hope she’ll bring out that musical side of her again soon!

Watch Kang So Ra as a rising lawyer in My Lawyer, Mr Joe