32GB Nexus 7 rumored to ship October 24th

We’ve been hearing rumblings of about a 32GB Google (GOOG) Nexus 7 over the past couple of days, and now Droid-Life reports that the 32GB version of the tablet may start shipping in just a few weeks. An unnamed source has told Droid-Life that resellers are expecting to receive shipments of the 32GB Nexus 7 “some time around” October 24th, although the source said no official date has been set in stone yet. What’s more, Droid-Life found that resellers are initially planning to sell the 32GB tablet for $259.92, although the site cautions that this price is highly speculative and is not related to what Google will actually charge for the device when it launches. Previously Google had only sold the Nexus 7 in 8GB and 16GB models.


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