Here are the 2024 North Dakota elk and moose license recipients

Apr. 17—BISMARCK — The North Dakota Game and Fish Department recently conducted its lotteries for the 2024 elk and moose seasons.

The department offered 833 elk licenses to hunters this fall, an increase of 230 from last year, the Game and Fish Department said in a news release. Licenses in units E1E, E1W and E3 increased due to a stable to increasing elk population. Licenses in elk units E2, E4 and E6 remained the same as in 2023.

A total of 242 moose licenses were available, a decrease of 15 from last year. Licenses in units M5, M6, M8 and M10 remained the same, as the moose population appears to be stable with good hunter success in those units. Licenses in M9 and M11 were reduced slightly to align with the observed population in those units. Moose units M4 and M1C remained closed due to a low moose population in the units.

A bighorn sheep hunting season is tentatively scheduled for 2024, depending on the sheep population. The status of the bighorn sheep season will be determined Sept. 1, after summer population surveys are completed.

Here are this year's elk and moose license recipients. Scroll down to see the full list.