2024 Election: Ballot measures pass easily

LA GRANDE — The majority of Union County residents voted in favor of a pair of ballot measures in the Tuesday, May 21, primary election.

Ballot measure 31-119, which will raise close to $1.6 million over the next four years for the Union County Vector Control District, has passed with more than 78% of the vote as of 9:45 a.m. on May 22, according to unofficial election results.

The funds will allow the district to continue to provide mosquito control services, minimizing health risks related to West Nile virus, according to Chris Law, manager of the Union County Vector Control District.

The other ballot measure is 31-120, which asked Union voters to decide if the Union Rural Fire Department should annex the Union Fire Department and its emergency medical services.

The measure passed 60% to 40%.

Union Councilor Timothy Cox is pleased with the outcome of the annexation election.

"I'm glad that the citizens see the need for the merger," said Cox, who is president of the Union City Council.

Cox said that the annexation will not be complete for some time.

"There is still a lot of work to do to finalize the details," he said.

Measure 31-120 is similar to Measure 31-118, which Union voters passed, 378-163, in the August 2023 mail election. Measure 31-118 failed, though, because voter turnout was well shy of what is required for a 50% plus one majority. The Oregon Constitution requires double majorities for property-tax elections that take place outside of May or November.