2017 NFL Draft: Exclusive Interview with Alabama State DT Roderick Henderson

Every year, there seems to be a small-school sleeper that catches my eye. There are plenty of talented players from small schools this year, but Alabama State defensive tackle Roderick Henderson may be the biggest (no pun intended) sleeper of them all.

At 6’1″ and 352 pounds, Henderson is an absolute monster. His size alone makes him a force to be reckoned with on the football field. However, he is more than just a big guy. Before he transferred to Alabama State, he led Southern Miss in bench press three years in a row. He also is an incredible athlete, especially for someone of his size.

Despite all of that, Henderson is a virtual unknown in most draft circles. It’s time to change that.

cover32 got the chance to speak to him about his journey to the pros.

When I watched your tape, one thing that really stood out to me was your athleticism for your size. What’s the key to keeping your agility high at your weight?

Henderson: I used to play tennis in high school, so I still from time to time do a little tennis drills and get on tennis courts close to home. I also do my footwork drills with my friend when we do workouts. He’s a defensive back, so I tend to do defensive back drills also just to keep the athleticism so I can be on my heels and ladder from left to right.

How long did you play tennis for?

Henderson: I played tennis since my sophomore year in high school, so three years.


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You started off your college career at Southern Miss, but transferred to Alabama State. Why did you transfer?

Henderson: (I transferred) because of family issues. My mom, she was dealing with a sickness – colon cancer – I don’t like too much to talk about it, for real. She was dealing with that, and Alabama State, that’s my hometown – I’m from Montgomery, Alabama. I felt that it would be better for me to be close to home and to my mom and grow stronger for her to fight more, and I could be her support.

That’s a good reason for transferring: being with your family.

You recently participated in the NFLPA Collegiate Bowl. What was your favorite part about that experience?

Henderson: My favorite part was being coached up by NFL coaches and getting a jump on the NFL game – how practices are ran, how meetings are gonna be ran.

As a nose tackle, you do a lot of the dirty work on defense that other players might not want to do. What’s your favorite part about playing the position?

Henderson: My favorite part about playing nose tackle is creating double-teams; I love taking on double-teams so my linebackers can roam free throughout the defense and make plays. Like you said, a lot of people don’t like the dirty work too much, but it’s just something that I enjoy and get a thrill out of: being double-teamed on every single play and give pressure.

When did you realize that you could play at an NFL level?

Henderson: About when I was a sophomore (in college). A scout had asked my coaches who I was, and he was like, “Oh yeah, he’s young. He’s a sophomore.” That was crazy. They already know about me, so I just turned my game up a notch around sophomore year.

What things have you done to make yourself known to NFL teams?

Henderson: I made a name for myself by creating a new line of scrimmage on almost every play and being very disruptive throughout my college career. Blocking field goals, tackles for losses and creating double-team blocks. Teams have to double-team me to even try and run the ball up the middle. Scouts really recognize my ability to create double-team blocks.

What is something in your game that you think you have to improve on?

Henderson: Something I have to improve on is stop thinking so much. Sometimes I tend to overthink pass situation plays and I try to work a pass-rushing move that I don’t need to work at at that time of the game.

Who was your favorite team growing up?

Henderson: My favorite team, I’d have to say, was the (then) St. Louis Rams when they had Marshall Faulk, Kurt Warner, Isaac Bruce, Torry Holt: the Greatest Show of Turf.

Which player(s) do you model your game after?

Henderson: I model my game after Vince Wilfork and Damon Harrison. I say Vince Wilfork ’cause me and him are both big guys and we create double-teams and we also wreak havoc in the backfield. And I think Damon Harrison because he’s quick off the ball.

Let’s say I’m a general manager in the NFL. What would I be getting if I drafted you?

Henderson: If you draft me, you’d get a hard worker, a player who loves his team and organization. A player who’s never had any off-the-field issues, never embarrassed the team, never embarrassed the community. You’re gonna get a player who’s loved around town and a player who’s very respectful.

– Jacob Infante is a National Editor for cover32 and also covers the Chicago Bears. He can be followed on Twitter @jacobinfante24.

– You can follow Roderick on Twitter @94_GHOST.

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