20 Southern State Fair Desserts You Can Deliciously Recreate At Home

Once a year, every Southern state beckons its people, far and wide, to big open spaces where ring toss, roller coasters, and plenty of scrumptious food awaits. We’re talking about the annual State Fair. While modern-day fairs are filled with well-known, deep-fried fare like funnel cakes, apple cider doughnuts, and gooey hand pies—looking at you, Texas—there was a time when many state and county fairs alike throughout the South hosted baking competitions for classic cakes and pies, such as the vintage Lane Cake, that would let folks show off their family’s finest recipes.

Even if you skip out on the State Fair, you can easily recreate these decadent dessert recipes at home. Choose from winning cakes, old-fashioned pies, and seasonal deep-fried sweets—these State Fair desserts deserve a spot in your home.