Here's what it looks like when a 2-year-old wears Google Glass

Here's what it looks like when a 2-year-old wears Google Glass

"Hey, look at my cool glasses!"

From the mouth of a Google dev, these words about Google Glass would be obnoxious. From the mouth of a toddler, it's adorable.

Editor-in-chief of technology website Tom's Hardware Chris Angelini
uploaded this video of his two-year-old boy wearing Google Glass, perhaps launching a new trend in adorable YouTube videos.

"As I was testing Google Glass," Angelini writes in the video description, "my two-year-old wanted to know what I was doing (almost as much as he wanted some juice). So, I indulged him. The result was really pretty cute, so here we are, fetching apple juice and looking at toys."

One question: When does take off?

(Hat tip: Seth Fiegerman at Mashable).