2 new deaths reported in both Freeborn, Mower counties

Jan. 6—The spread of COVID-19 — and its fallout — from the holiday season is in full-effect across the area.

In Freeborn County, a 50-54 year-old and a 60-64 year old died from complications due to the coronavirus, while 86 new cases were confirmed with an additional three probable.

The county has now had 54 COVID deaths. Information about the number of active cases will be released on Friday from the Freeborn County Public Health Department.

Mower County lost a 65-69 year old as well as a 70-74 year old, with an additional 50 new cases and five more probable. Mower County has now had 58 deaths.

Steele County reported 51 new cases with two more probable, while Faribault County reported 15 new cases.

Waseca County reported 10 new cases.

Across the state, 6,936 new cases were reported, along with 62 deaths.