2 civilians killed, 1 injured in Vovchansk amid Russian assaults in Kharkiv Oblast

At least two civilians were killed and another one injured in the front-line city of Vovchansk on May 17, as Russian troops continued their attempts to break through in Kharkiv Oblast, according to the regional Prosecutor's Office.

Russia launched new offensive actions on May 10 in the north of Kharkiv Oblast toward Lyptsi and Vovchansk, a town located less than five kilometers (three miles) from the Russian border and around 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the city of Kharkiv.

A 35-year-old man was killed, while a 60-year-old one was injured in recent Russian strikes, the Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor's Office reported.

The regional Prosecutor's Office also started a criminal proceeding on the Russian military allegedly shooting a person with disabilities in Vovchansk.

Law enforcement service referred to the video published by Ukrainian journalist Andriy Tsaplienko on his Telegram channel earlier in the day.

Tsaplienko said that during air reconnaissance monitoring, Ukrainian forces spotted the body of a person in a wheelchair not far away from the local hospital, which was reportedly captured by Russian troops.

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Law enforcement officers consider that the victim tried to escape from the hospital, but the Russian soldiers shot him and left him sitting in a wheelchair in the middle of a damaged street.

Ukraine's Defense Ministry confirmed on May 15 that Russian units had entered the northern parts of the town, but the Ukrainian military reportedly prevented them from establishing a foothold deeper in Vovchansk.

Russian troops yet managed to capture up to 40 civilians and started to use them as human shields, the police said.

Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko previously said that Russian soldiers took Ukrainian civilians captive and prevented their evacuation in the embattled northern part of the city.

Read also: Russia’s new Kharkiv offensive pushes Vovchansk to the brink of annihilation

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