At 1st rally since being hospitalized, Trump says he feels 'so powerful'

During his first rally since being hospitalized with COVID-19, President Trump declared that he is "immune" to the virus, and feels "so powerful."

On Monday night, Trump spoke to supporters in Sanford, Florida, for about 65 minutes; he typically talks for roughly 90 minutes during rallies. The event was held outside, with people standing shoulder-to-shoulder and most not wearing masks. When he began speaking, Trump's voice was a bit scratchy, The New York Times reports, but he told the crowd he felt "so powerful," adding, "I'll walk in there, I'll kiss everyone in that audience. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women. Just give you a big, fat kiss."

Before Trump arrived in Florida, his physician, Dr. Sean Conley, said the president had tested negative for COVID-19 "on consecutive days," without sharing any specific dates. Conley said he used "the Abbott BinaxNOW antigen card," which is a less reliable form of rapid testing. While coronavirus reinfection is rare, the research is ongoing, and The Guardian notes that The Lancet just published a case study about a 25-year-old man from Nevada who has been infected twice this year.

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