12 Hollyoaks spoilers for next week

Hollyoaks spoilers follow.

It's an unmissable week on Hollyoaks as lives are left hanging in the balance in a massive road crash.

Sienna and Rafe, and Mercedes and Felix will find their double wedding day going drastically wrong in a dramatic scenes.

There's 'no right turn' as residents' paths collide when stories merge together, bringing back well-loved characters and introducing new mysterious faces as well.

Here's a full collection of the biggest moments to watch out for:

1. Dilly's link to Patrick is revealed

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Sienna's wedding day arrives but she is preoccupied with worry about what a drunk Rafe meant the night before.

As Sienna tries to work out what Rafe meant when he suggested she'll hate him once she knows the truth, Ste tries to reassure her.

Unable to continue with the pretence, Rafe tells Dilly that he's no longer in love with her and it is Sienna that he wants.

Dilly is determined to continue with her scheme to bring down Sienna. In a shock discovery, we see a picture of Patrick Blake in her necklace locket…

2. Felix makes a big gesture

warren fox, felix westwood and rafe harcourt in hollyoaks
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The McQueens and Diane help Felix with a surprise for Mercedes. Down at The Dog, he asks her to marry him that day, and overjoyed, Mercedes says yes.

Felix asks Warren to be his best man. Warren questions Felix on whether the wedding is taking place too quickly, but Felix insists that Mercedes is the love of his life.

Warren gives Ella some advice on how to win over Charlie. In return, Ella encourages Warren to go after Mercedes.

3. Warren tries to stop the wedding

felix westwood and warren fox in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

With everything getting too much for Warren, Rafe asks him and Felix whether The Loft is open for a drink. In the nightclub, the three of them share a drink.

Warren warns Rafe against hurting Sienna with the twins involved, while an optimistic Felix looks forward to the future and happiness for them all, but Warren looks doubtful.

Later, Warren attempts to stop Mercedes from going ahead with the wedding.

4. Ella faces backlash from her friends

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Shing Lin later accuses Ella of trying it on with Charlie when she sees the two together.

Ella storms off and Leah follows, telling her best friend that she's selfish and that she should go back to LA.

5. Felix makes a discovery

felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Felix checks everything is ready at The Dog via the camera he has put in there.

In doing so, he stumbles across more than he bargained for.

6. The double wedding goes terribly wrong

warren fox, mercedes mcqueen and felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Hollyoaks goes back to its roots in an hour-long special.

It's Sienna's wedding day, but things don't go to plan when a voicemail from her fiancé puts the day on hold. Rafe has made up his mind and tells Dilly it's Sienna he wants.

Mercedes is ready to marry Felix, but when he sees something suspicious, he's left wanting answers.

Elsewhere, emotions and underage drinking lead to the teens splitting up during a rave. Ste dashes to rescue his daughter.

As a crash takes place involving multiple vehicles, will anything ever be the same again?

7. Ste is regretful after the crash

ste hay in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

The news of the incident hits the village and residents scramble to find out information about their loved ones.

Ste slowly puts together the pieces and realises that there was a detrimental outcome to his eyes being off the road while he was checking on Leah, who was choking.

8. Felix is questioned by the police

felix westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Felix also struggles with his conscience after the crash.

Pearl is relieved when she sees Felix walking through the door, but Leela and the McQueens turn on him.

Felix is questioned for dangerous driving down at the station.

9. Warren and Norma are left grief-stricken

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Lime Pictures

Misbah comforts a suffering Warren after the accident, as he's dealt another blow.

Norma arrives just in time to be by Warren's side as he embarks on a heartbreaking task.

Warren later finds a struggling Norma and they comfort each other.

Devastated, Warren tells Norma he has a plan, but for now he has to bide his time.

10. Sienna supports Dilly

sienna blake in hollyoaks
Ray Burmiston - Lime Pictures

Dilly tries to cover her tracks over what happened on the fateful day.

Sienna, on the other hand, wants answers as Ethan comforts her.

Sienna looks after a drunken Dilly and promises she won't leave her.

Dilly later asks Sienna if she'll stay with her at the manor.

11. Nancy is back

nancy osborne in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

It's Nancy's first day back at work and an unprepared Carter throws her in the deep end with an assembly.

Nancy runs over the words she plans to share with the school to John Paul, who tells her he's glad she's back.

12. Darren is forced to intervene

charlie and darren, hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Two new school starters stir up some trouble, which leads to Shing Lin and Charlie reacting.

Darren is forced to step in, but things soon take a shocking turn.

Hollyoaks streams first online via Channel 4 each weekday at 7.30pm. Episodes then air on E4 the following day, before getting their YouTube premiere a week after that.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

Read more Hollyoaks spoilers on our dedicated homepage.

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