12 Bizarre ‘Bachelorette’ Season 13 Bios

It’s official — ABC’s released the full cast lineup for Rachel Lindsay’s season of “The Bachelorette.” This season’s cast is likely the most diverse in years, and it also boasts some of the most off the wall bios.

The network shared photos as well as details about each of the men competing on Season 13 of “The Bachelorette.” Bios including general information like name, age and occupation, as well as some unconventional questions Rachel’s hopeful suitors were asked to answer. The questions range from silly queries about desert (and dessert) islands to almost-explicit explorations into their bedroom style.

Each season of “The Bachelorette” and “The Bachelor’ features a few characters who stand out due to their answers or occupations. Season 13 is no different. Bachelor Nation will meet a professional tickle monster, an aspiring drummer, and a guy who openly admitted he was hopeful the show would launch his TV/film career, among several others, when “The Bachelorette” premieres.

While there were no shortage of strange bios, it’s clear that there’s been a shift in the kinds of people that get cast in “The Bachelorette.” This season’s cast features men of various races and ethnicities. It also features a cast member who’s been married before and one with a child.

Rachel Lindsay
Rachel Lindsay

Rachel Lindsay’s “Bachelorette” cast has been announced and, as always, there are some characters among them. Photo: ABC

Below are the most interesting Season 13 bios:

Blake E.

Blake E. first stood out to us because of his occupation — aspiring drummer. His bio only got more interesting from there. When asked what the most outrageous thing he’s ever done is, the 31-year-old answered, “get engaged to a crazy girl.”

He was later asked how close he’s ever been to being married. Blake E. revealed in his answer that his engagement to the aforementioned anonymous “crazy girl” lasted just two days. We’re hopeful he’ll delve deeper into this botched engagement during “The Bachelorette.”

Blake E.
Blake E.

Blake E. is set to appear on Season 13 of “The Bachelorette.” Photo: ABC


Unlike other contestants, Bryce’s “Bachelorette” Season 13 bio didn’t catch our eye for the wrong reasons. The 30-year-old firefighter was asked, like many of the men competing for Rachel’s heart, what the most outrageous thing he’s ever done was. His answer has us convinced that when he’s not putting out fires, he’s an action hero.

“High speed pursuit on a motorcycle. Saved someone’s life. Outrageous is relative,” he responded.

Things got a little weirder as Bryce’s bio progressed though. Another question he was asked was “What’s the wildest thing you’ve done in the bedroom?” Bryce shared the story of a time he accidentally caught a woman’s hair on fire in the middle of sex — yikes!


Bryce is among the more interesting bachelors dating Rachel Lindsay on Season 13 of “The Bachelorette.” Photo: ABC


Dean strikes us a sweet guy — most of his “Bachelorette” Season 13 bio was about his mother, who died “over 10 years” ago. It wasn’t until he was asked about marriage that we found ourselves slightly concerned. Dean revealed in his bio that he doesn’t necessarily believe in marriage, which may be a red flag.

“I think marriage is an institutionalized sham derived from religious beliefs,” he said before diving deeper into his stance. “That said, when I get married, it’s a life-long commitment.”


Dean is one of 31 men cast in Season 13 of “The Bachelorette.” Photo: ABC


This 31-year-old “Bachelorette” hopeful strikes us as a bit of a party boy. In his bio, he reveals that most of his Saturdays are spent “trying to recover from all-day drinking.” He also opened up about a spring break trip to Cancun, Mexico, during which he participated in a “‘sexual positions’ contest.”

Diggy further intrigued us when asked about his “most embarrassing moment.” He shared with producers that he was once “stranded on a toilet for hours in fifth grade.” Interesting!


Will Diggy stand out on “The Bachelorette” as much as his bio did? Photo: ABC


Fred’s bio was full of red flags that have us questioning whether or not he’s on “The Bachelorette” for the right reasons. When asked about his ideal date, the 27-year-old said it was one on which his date “pays for the meal.” He also revealed that he’s found himself aroused at work on more than one occasion.

“Yes, there are times that I get aroused at work and I have to go back to my desk to avoid being noticed,” he said when asked about a time he got “turned on during the wrong time.”


Fred’s bio has made him an early standout among the “Bachelorette” Season 13 cast. Photo: ABC


Twenty-nine-year-old Grant has a lot going for him — he’s a doctor, he’s well-travelled and he seems to have a great sense of humor. The weirdest part of his bio came when he was asked about an embarrassing moment.

“I once had a stomach bug in Peru and had to defecate in a cut open 2-liter coke bottle in the back of a tour bus,” he shared.


Will Grant stand out on “The Bachelorette”? Photo: ABC


Where to begin with this one? Not only did he make a point to share that he’s only ever owned dogs that “were over [one half] wolf,” but he shared more than one interesting anecdote that suggests he won’t be an easy “Bachelorette” contestant to forget.

When asked about the “most outrageous thing you have ever done,” Jedidiah revealed that he once stripped for a friend’s sister in high school for $50. He further intrigued us when asked about “the craziest place you’ve had sex.” Jedidiah shared with Bachelor Nation that he once got it on “just off the continental divide on a glacier in the mountains.”


Jedidiah is among the more interesting “The Bachelorette” Season 13 cast members — at least on paper. Photo: ABC


This professional tickle monster stood out for a number of reasons. For starters, the 31-year-old had one of the most interesting occupations listed. The “Bachelorette” hopeful was also open about having been married once prior.

Jonathan shared in his bio that he lost his virginity to his ex-wife. He described the experience as “pretty uneventful.” All the same, we’re looking forward to hearing more from a previously married addition to the Bachelor Nation franchise.


Get ready to meet Jonathan on this season of “The Bachelorette.” Photo: ABC


This 28-year-old prosecuting attorney’s bio had us in stitches. First he opened up about his adventurous sexual personality, revealing that the wildest place he’s ever gotten it on was “in my office at work!” He later shared an anecdote about his absolute worst date that we won’t soon forget.

“Being catfished!” he wrote. “A girl arrived on the date pregnant!!”


Josiah set himself apart from his “Bachelorette” competition with his Season 13 bio. Photo: ABC


Kyle strikes us as either the “Bachelorette” contestant who’s going to have a hard time adjusting to the house, or one who will stand out as a villain. In his bio he revealed that his worst attributes are that he struggles to trust, has a “general disdain for perceived corrupt authority” and tends to be “very blind and outspoken.” He also said he occasionally speaks without thinking, which is a recipe for disaster.

The 26-year-old also shared some interesting information about his past. He revealed that he and a previous girlfriend were into “BDSM.” While Kyle admits he’s not really into “hurting people,” he said he enjoyed it with the woman who introduced him to the idea.


Kyle made an interesting first impression with his “Bachelorette” Season 13 bio. Photo: ABC


It’s not unusual for “Bachelorette” or “Bachelor” contestants to stand out for their strange occupations. Lucas’ takes the cake for the strangest ever featured on the show though, we’d say. The 30-year-old listed his current job as a Whaboom, which you’ve probably never heard of.

Host Chris Harrison described it as “a lifestyle.” During the Facebook Live reveal regarding the Season 13 “Bachelorette” cast he said, “You can be Whaboom, you can be Whaboomed, and you can Whaboom. You can call somebody a Whaboom.” That definition doesn’t exactly clear things up, but it certain earns Lucas some extra attention which may be exactly what he was going for.


Will Lucas stand out on Season 13 of “The Bachelorette”? Photo: ABC


Rachel better watch out for this guy. Milton admitted in his “Bachelorette” Season 13 bio that he was hopeful the show would get him noticed. He claimed it wasn’t his main reason for going on the show, but said that he’s been told by numerous people the he belongs on TV.

“Everyone tells me I’m made for TV/movies,” he said. “Doesn’t mean I’m out here hoping for that, but I would like to break into writing or acting.”

He raised even more red flags when asked whether he considers himself a “romantic.” Milton admitted that he wasn’t the most romantic guy, which is fine. His reasoning, however, is questionable.

“I don’t mind being romantic, but it can show you’re weak,” he said.


What kind of impression will Milton make on Rachel Lindsay on “The Bachelorette”? Photo: ABC

Tune in to “The Bachelorette” Monday, May 22 at 8 p.m. EDT on ABC.

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