11 days until the midterm elections: Where things stand

Circuit Court clerk Mark Mumford arrives at the Kent County Public Library to check on turnout for Maryland’s early voting on Thursday. (Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
Circuit Court clerk Mark Mumford arrives at the Kent County Public Library to check on turnout for Maryland’s early voting on Thursday. (Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)

(Countdown above in EDT)

Key races checkup

Both parties go all in on Nevada’s bellwether Senate race between Republican incumbent Dean Heller and Democrat Jacky Rosen, which could be decided by the number of Latino voters who show up on Election Day. (Read more)

Wednesday night’s contentious final debate in the Florida governor’s race between Democrat Andrew Gillum and Republican Ron DeSantis demonstrated that the issue of race, and DeSantis’s support from racists, has not faded away. (Read more)

Abigail Spanberger, a former CIA officer, is taking aim at tea party Republican Dave Brat’s House seat in Virginia’s Seventh District, which Democrats believe they can flip. That would be a remarkable comedown for Brat, who became a tea party hero when he upset former Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor in 2014. (Read more)


There are 16 transgender candidates on the ballot in midterm elections this year, and they aren’t happy about the Trump administration’s plan to end legal recognition of their gender status. (Read more)

After 10 pipe bombs targeted CNN, prominent Democratic politicians and one of their most influential donors, Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart quickly lashed out at those he held responsible: the intended victims. (Read more)

While they often don’t receive as much media attention as Senate contests, governors’ races turn out to have a great deal of national importance, and this year will likely be no exception. (Read more)

See the latest Midterm Mania >>>


Scorecard sources:

Generic ballot: FiveThirtyEight

Right track/wrong track: Gallup

Trump approval: FiveThirtyEight

At-risk seats in the Senate: Cook Political Report

At-risk seats in the House: Cook Political Report

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