10 Signs Your Party Is Over

Who doesn't love a good party? Although what makes a party fun is different for everyone, we're going to venture to say that great company and delightful conversation (and perhaps a few delicious cocktails) usually equate to a good time. But, while we've attended some parties that went smoothly through the night (no broken glasses), we've also seen a few that didn't end so well. In those situations, we've noticed there's always a point when people start realizing that it's pretty much time to go home.

So, we've rounded up some of the most telling signs that a party might be nearing its end -- from running out of refreshments to the moment when you hear someone say, "Oh, you have to listen to the lyrics to this song."

Flip through the slideshow below for 10 signs that a party might be coming to an end. And, let us know in comments below what's the most telling sign that a party is just about over for you.

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When The Bar Runs Dry

<b>The Situation:</b> The party is low on wine, beer and spirits.     <b>Is It Really Over?</b> We say yes. If you've stocked the bar well but it's now run dry, you probably have (at least) a few tipsy guests. Better to cut everyone off. If you really understocked the bar, you know what to do: head out to the liquor store for reinforcements.    Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/stevendepolo/6863960038/in/photostream/" target="_hplink">stevendepolo</a>

When A Guest Is Falling Asleep

<b>The Situation</b>: They're falling asleep probably after having one too many glasses of 'punch.'    <b>Is It Really Over?</b>: It's probably best to call it a night. Most of the time, when one goes down, the rest follow suit soon after. We wouldn't want to stay to see who the last one standing will be.     Flickr photo <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/5148806648/in/photostream/" target="_hplink">The Library of Congress</a>

When Someone Launches Fireworks

<b>The Situation</b>: You're at a supposedly fancy get-together and then suddenly out of nowhere, someone breaks out fireworks.     <b>Is It Really Over?</b>: We see it as a signal to leave. The idea of fireworks at a party sounds festive enough. But, unless it's the Fourth of July, there's really no reason for cocktails and fireworks to appear at the same party.    Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sloth_rider/739688188/in/photostream//" target="_hplink">.A.A.</a>

When People Are Listening To Song Lyrics

<b>The Situation</b>: When a guest turns to you and says, "Hey, listen to these song lyrics."     <b>Is It Really Over?</b>: Don't start for the door just yet. But, this usually means one of two things: that they're trying to make conversation, or they're getting a little too tipsy. Hear them out. If they start rambling and singing along, you can take your leave.    Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/lord_lucan_lives/4500745634/in/photostream/" target="_hplink">Lord Lucan Lives</a>

When Someone Starts Crying

<b>The Situation</b>: Someone starts to cry, and it's bringing down the party.    <b>Is It Really Over?</b>: It doesn't have to be for you...just yet. An upset guest at a party usually just needs some time in private to help them settle down. They usually bounce back and return to the fun. Or, they eventually decide it's time for <i>them</i> to call it a night.    Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/4585945700/in/photostream/"target="_hplink">x-ray delta one</a>

When Two Groups Of People Start Clustering

<b>The Situation:</b> People rarely want to socialize with strangers, especially when friends are close. So when clustered, small talk ensues -- so awkward.    <b>Is It Really Over?</b> Odds say yes. But, if one brave person can find something in common with a stranger of another group. Perhaps the herd will follow. Here's hoping!     Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/4167751227/in/photostream/" target="_hplink">x-ray delta one</a>

When A Couple Starts Fighting

<b>The Situation:</b> A guest and his or her significant other begin to bicker, then yell, then scream.     <b>Is It Really Over?</b> We're going to say no here. What's a little drama compared to a great cocktail. If you want to diffuse the situation, simply divide the couple and chat them up separately. They can resolve their issues later -- hopefully, in the privacy of their own homes.     Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/littlelovemonster/2377913233/in/photostream/" target="_hplink">Pretty Poo Eater</a>

When People Start Pairing Off In Corners

<b>The Situation:</b> Guests are getting, um, close, in the corners of the room.     <b>Is It Really Over?</b> If you're not one of those guests, make a beeline straight to the door. First of all, closed-off couples make others uncomfortable. And, if they're getting to know each other, you shouldn't interrupt. Get out of there.     Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/4483369192/in/photostream/" target="_hplink">x-ray delta one</a>

When Uninvited People Start Showing Up

<b>The Situation:</b> Acquaintances of friends of coworkers of friends crash the party.     <b>Is It Really Over?</b> That depends -- do you <i>need</i> more Facebook friends? At this point, there's just probably too many people there to even breathe. People will start trickling out anyway. However, if you're looking to expand your social circle, this may be the best opportunity for you.      Photo courtesy of Getty

When A Guest Starts To Sing Song Loud

<b>The Situation:</b> One guest is really getting into a song, singing way louder than humanly tolerable.     <b>Is It Really Over?</b> We'd probably give it until we finished the cocktail in our hand. We'd understand if it was a whole group dancing and singing to party music, but if it's just one lone singer, that's just pretty depressing. After all, it's not an 'American Idol' party.     Flickr photo by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/4488081841/sizes/o/in/photostream/" target="_hplink">x-ray delta one</a>

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.