Waka Flocka Says Stacey Dash Is Wrong And Right About BET And Black History Month

Waka Flocka sees where Stacey Dash is coming from.

Stacey Dash got the masses riled up once again with her response to the controversy surrounding the 2016 Oscars. As entertainers continued to express their discontent with the lack of nominations for actors of color, Dash sat down with Fox News to give her two cents, which ended with her denouncing BET and Black History Month. Slamming Jada Pinkett-Smith and a host of others who voiced their opinions, Dash’s take led to a firestorm (as usual).

“I think it’s ludicrous. We have to make up our minds; either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don’t want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards, and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black. If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard […] Just like there shouldn’t be a Black History Month. We’re American, that’s it.”

One person in particular was able to see where dash was coming from, however. In a video of his own, Waka Flocka took the position that the controversial actress/news host was both right and wrong for her sentiments. Stating that she “couldn’t break down fully what she was trying to say,” the rapper echoed her feelings towards segregation with regards to the network and the month-long celebration.

“But honestly, I always felt like that,” he admitted. “Like why the f**k we got BET? BET is for black people and MTV is for white people? Think about it. Why the f**k we got Black History Month only in February? How can the people that took our history, give us our history for one month? Just think about it.”

Watch Waka Flocka’s response to Stacey Dash below: