Travis Scott Blasts Fans in VIP Section for Using Cell Phones During Concert

Travis Scott put fans in the VIP section on blast for being on their phones during one of his concerts.

Everyone leaves the house with their cell phone these days, but some people still haven't figured out how to use it in moderation. Travis Scott witnessed that firsthand at one of his concerts this week, and the rapper put a few people on blast for their inability to put down their phones.

Based on the footage you can view up top, Scott makes it sound like he knows the people he's referring to personally. Perched from atop a giant fake bird, Scott accosted the fans for staying glued to their phones instead of taking in the show.

"All you n***** that's with me, that's behind the gate that's on y'all phones, y'all n***** can take your ass home, or y'all can come back and watch the show bro," said Scott. "You don't get no VIP motherf***in' show texting on your phone."

It's one thing to have your phone out at a concert to snap some pictures or bring home a video to relive the moment later, but even that has started to get a little excessive at concerts. If you're too busy staring at a miniature screen instead of singing along and enjoying an experience alongside one of your favorite artists, what are you even doing there?

Plus, Scott is pretty well-known for having a wild live experience at this point. If he were cutting out early on fans or putting in a lackadaisical effort as a performer, I could see you getting bored and resorting to texting. Scott's shows tend to be up-tempo, energetic frenzies, however, to the point that he has been arrested for causing chaos at different venues. You can trot out the, "I paid for the tickets, I'll do what I want!" excuse, but you'll still end up looking lame.

Fans weighing in on the matter mostly agreed with Scott's beef, wondering how anyone could focus on their cell during a concert.

At a minimum, pick another rapper's show to mess around on your cell phone at. Scott has shown he's not going to put up with any BS, so maybe you should listen to him.

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