'The Voice' Season 8 Top 12 Revealed!


Wednesday, on a very special episode of The Voice, the top 12 were revealed, after the first public vote of the season. On each team, the top two vote-getters advanced, accompanied by one coach’s pick. And for the most part, the results were unsurprising. Sorry for the humblebrag, but I correctly predicted 11 of these dozen contestants. Sarah Potenza may not be happy, but there will be no rants from me tonight.


AMERICA’S PICKS: Meghan Lindsey, Corey Kent White

BLAKE’S PICK: Hannah Kirby

We all knew Meghan and Lindsey were shoo-ins. Hannah, however, was a bit of a curveball, and the only prediction I got wrong. Blake Shelton drastically underestimated Hannah in the Battle Rounds, sacrificing her for his obvious then-favorite, Sarah Potenza… and maybe I underestimated Hannah, too. But what a difference a couple of weeks makes! After stealing Hannah back during the Knockout Rounds, Blake actually saved her over Sarah this Wednesday.

The other eliminated Team Blake contestant, Brooke Adee, took the news of her rejection in stride. But scowling Sarah didn’t just look disappointed; she looked furious. Talk about a “focus face”! (Blake once said Sarah likes to email him a lot. He might have an angry missive in his inbox later tonight. He might want to readjust his spam filter, actually.) I will miss Sarah, who has some major chops, but a peppy, positive show like The Voice really is not the place for such a sour attitude.


AMERICA’S PICKS: Kimberly Nichole, India Carney


Well done, America. And well done, Christina Aguilera. These are three of the finest singers in all of the top 12. So, in her fifth season on the show, will Christina finally break the boys’ winning streak this year? I think she has a damn good chance.


AMERICA’S PICKS: Sawyer Fredericks, Mia Z

PHARRELL’S PICK: Koryn Hawthorne

Pharrell Williams sometimes makes weird (or even downright infuriating) decisions. For instance, he saved Lowell Oakley twice this season, against many viewers’ wishes. But he made the right call saving Koryn this time; she’s a diamond in the rough that he could polish up to a brilliant superstar sheen. And as for Sawyer and Mia? They’re probably the two most interesting contestants on the show.

Wow, could we really have a total Adam/Blake shutout this season, and a Pharrell-vs.-Xtina finale instead? That would be especially interesting.


AMERICA’S PICKS: Joshua Davis, Deanna Johnson

ADAM’S PICK: Brian Johnson

OK, I had this prediction slightly off. I thought Brian would get the vote, and Joshua would be Adam’s save. (This was of course before I saw the iTunes rankings for the week, which had Joshua’s “Budapest” in second place, right behind Sawyer’s “Trouble.”) But the end result is the same. I’ve been saying all season long that Adam Levine has this year’s weakest team, but now, considering how high “Budapest” charted, I’m realizing Joshua could be Season 8’s dark horse. Anyone could win this thing!

We’re still a few weeks away from crowning the Season 8 winner, however. Tune in next week, on The Voice’s regularly scheduled Monday and Tuesday nights, as we get closer to that exciting outcome. See you then.

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