Song premiere: The Soft White Sixties debut timely 'Brick by Brick'

San Francisco’s soul-rock band Soft White Sixties recently made a move to Los Angeles — and while this relocation certainly figures as a big subject factor on their upcoming album, it’s not the only thing on the band’s minds.

For the first single, “Brick by Brick” — premiering right here on Yahoo Music — frontman and principal lyricist Octavio Genera took a very personal approach. “Our first night in the studio was Election Night, so naturally that environment crept onto this record,” he notes. “It was hard not to take some offense to someone claiming that a wall and the people on the other side of that wall were the cause of so many problems.”

Genera — whose mother is from Mexico and father from El Paso, Texas, and who grew up in a bilingual Spanish/English family — felt that sentiment sharply. “The song is my version of my grandparents coming here to better themselves and their children, and I’m thankful they did,” he explains. “I am here, and I am who I am because of it.”

The single — as well as the entire upcoming album — was recorded in Spanish as well as English, for a fully bilingual project.

If you’d like to keep up with the Soft White Sixties’ schedule, check here.