Sam Smith Returns With New Single "Too Good at Goodbyes"

It's been a while since we've heard from Sam Smith. Following the release of his 2014 debut album In the Lonely Hour, which helped him take home four Grammy Awards with its massive single "Stay With Me," Smith put his music career on the back burner.

After spending his whole life crafting and perfecting In the Lonely Hour, the singer had to go back to the drawing board to create his sophomore album. It all starts by going out, living your life, and drawing from new experiences. Over the last year or so, Smith has done just that, and he's ready to return to the spotlight with "Too Good at Goodbyes."

On Monday, Smith posted a photo of himself holding the vinyl copy of his new single, and revealed the release date.

With the release of "Too Good at Goodbyes," Smith may finally be ready to drop that sophomore album. They say good things come to those who wait, and we've waited an awfully long time for some new Sam Smith music. Let's see if he can deliver. You can listen to "Too Good at Goodbyes" on Apple Music and iTunes or stream it below via Spotify.

If you need another option, you can check the song out via YouTube.

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