Jaden Smith Explains That He Used to Be an Actual Vampire

"I was a vampire, for real."

Sitting down with French fashion magazine Numéro, Jaden Smith gave an interesting answer to explain his fashion motivations: he used to be a vampire.

"During a period of my life, I was Gothic," Smith said. "I was only wearing black and I was hiding from the sun because I was a vampire."

Of course, known for his left-field way of thinking, context was needed for the quote. Was he being metaphorical or did he believe he used to be an actual vampire? Knowingly, interviewer Olivier Joyard asked, "How are you, a vampire? What do you mean?"

"I was a vampire, for real," Smith clarified. "I could not expose myself to the sun and I was only wearing black trench coats."

Fortunately, the 18-year-old rapper/actor was able to outgrow this phase.

"Now I'm not a vampire, I'm out of this phase," he explained. "I open myself up to wear more colorful things, to go out in daylight. I share much more mixed energy."

Recently making appearances in sunlit music videos and posing for a colorful photo shoot to accompany the Numéro article, it appears Smith is, in fact, no longer a vampire. The full interview is available here, in which he also explains his life mission: "All I want to do is help the world and make it better. I want to leave a mark before leaving, I would like people to say: 'The world was like that when he arrived, and like that when he's gone. He is not here, but thank you.'"

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