Train, Framed

Is it daylight savings time already? Yep — but it sure as heck ain't laughter savings time!

Welcome to Framed, the internet's premier "funny captions" website!

Every week, readers from around the globe flock to our URL to enjoy a music video and, better yet, the very amusing captions we write for the video. In addition to being funny, our captions are also topical and, on occasion, existentially neat!

Best of all, the introduction to Framed is deeply informative and never, ever padded with filler, as if we were trying to reach a certain word count.

The very idea, in fact, is ridiculous!

But enough said.

This week we welcome back the great San Francisco band, Train, and their video "Drive By." It's really good; you're sure to enjoy it.

See you next week!

1 — "I didn't even know the federal government had a Department of Truly Unfortunate Band Names."

2 — "And, if you'll look over there, you'll see amber waves of grain. Watch your step; God's been shedding his grace all over the damn place."

3 — "Hey, guys, check it out! Slowpoke Rodriguez is so slow he still hasn't left the blog!"

4 — "Oh whey oh, we're walkin' like we're Egyptian. Everybody!"

5 — "Who said Inhalo had to be a girl?"

6 — "Is it possible our songs could also be used commercially to sell stuff? Or am I just drunk?"

7 — "You've been in Framed?!"

8 — "Just who is that bird, anyway?"

9 — "But the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about! I must learn it!"

10 — "Let's drink to your band's success. Can I call it that?"

11 — "Well, like this. Bigger, of course."

12 — "Honey, wake up! I just dreamt that there was little to say about popular music! It was horrible!"