Watch Will Smith in This Tense, NFL-Disparaging 'Concussion' Scene

While the forthcoming Concussion has faced complaints for not being too critical of the National Football League for its handling of head trauma, the tactics of the mighty league still come under scrutiny in the film, as depicted in the clip above.

Will Smith plays Nigeria-born Dr. Bennet Omalu, the forensic pathologist who discovered a dangerous form of brain injury, called CTE, among football players. The 47-year-old actor is already getting Oscar buzz for his performance as the man who unintentionally became the pro league’s enemy No. 1. The league would have preferred his troubling research was kept swept under the rug.

Read More: Will Smith on Controversial NFL Drama ‘Concussion’ — 'People Have to Know’ About Football Dangers

Still fairly new to America, Omalu’s boss, Dr. Cyril Wecht (Albert Brooks), has to explain the scope of the NFL’s power in the dramatized version of the doctor’s real-life face-off with the nation’s favorite pasttime.

To what extent will Omalu cave to the league’s intimidation tactics? Find out when Concussion enters theaters Christmas Day.