Keira Knightley Fakes It Like Meg Ryan in 'When Harry Met Sally'

Hollywood has been invaded by the Brits. The chameleons from across the Atlantic have taken over the U.S. film industry with aplomb, getting cast as some of the most beloved characters and real-life figures in American history: Batman (Christian Bale), Superman (Henry Cavill), Abraham Lincoln (Daniel Day-Lewis), and Martin Luther King Jr. (David Oyelowo) among them.

Now, with the help of Vanity Fair, British stars such as Felicity Jones, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Dormer, and Emily Blunt are putting their stamp on some of Hollywood’s most iconic movies, re-enacting scenes from classic flicks like Bonnie & Clyde, Gone With the Wind, and many more in a three-part short film. Sure, they’re not exactly in costume or on the appropriate sets, but they do provide an extra pinch of class (possibly because they’re mostly in black tie attire).

Most notable by far is Keira Knightley, who in the video segment above pays noble homage to Meg Ryan’s faked deli orgasm in When Harry Met Sally. Meanwhile, Dame Judi Dench is on hand to provide the withering punchline.

Watch the other two segments below: