Watch 'Finding Dory' Cast Record Their Performances

As with its beloved 2003 predecessor Finding Nemo, Pixar’s new Finding Dory creates its underwater oceanic environments with amazing attention to detail. However, while the finished product is visually breathtaking, the actual making of the film — especially for its cast members — was anything but glamorous.

Related: Watch the First Clip from ‘Piper,’ the Pixar Short Paired With ‘Finding Dory’

In a new eight-minute featurette (watch it above), Disney provides fans with a behind-the-scenes peek at Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, Ed O’Neill, Kaitlin Olson, and Ty Burrell recording their dialogue for the film. Watching the stars run through lines in a studio, with occasional scene-setting assistance from director Andrew Stanton, you get a real sense of how animated film performances are crafted. It’s a process that involves equal parts imagination, guidance, and trial-by-error creativity — and can be a tad more difficult than it initially seems, as evidenced by Keaton telling Stanton (in jest) “I think you should do this and not me.”

Watch Dory find her memory in Yahoo Movies’ exclusive ‘Finding Dory’ clip:

While this B-roll video contains plot-related material from numerous scenes, the lack of context should make it an illuminating and engaging watch for even the most spoiler-phobic moviegoers. Plus, it reveals that even when they’re only being paid for their voices, Hollywood stars are always ready to mug for the camera — replete with Levy proclaiming, “I’m better than I thought I was.”

Related: ‘Finding Dory’ film review

You can catch Finding Dory in theaters beginning this Friday.

Watch Ellen DeGeneres, Kaitlin Olson, and Ed O'Neill talk ‘Finding Dory’: