Watch an 8-Year-Old Take on Patrick Swayze's 'Dirty Dancing' Moves

Nobody puts this kid in a corner. Charlie, an eight-year-old from Knoxville, Tennessee, has taught himself all the Patrick Swayze moves from Dirty Dancing’s big finale. This video of Charlie dancing along to the movie has gone viral, and no wonder: His rhythm is perfect, his cha-cha-cha is flawless, and nobody will ever accuse him of having spaghetti arms. (He doesn’t attempt the big lift, but that’s understandable. Good dance partners are probably hard to come by in elementary school.)

The best part of the video, though, is the sheer joy on Charlie’ s face when he imitates Swayze’s leap into the audience. “He has probably watched [Dirty Dancing] only 10-12 times. He loves to dance and cannot sit when he is watching a music video or anything with dancing in it. He immediately gets up and starts copying all the moves,” Charlie’s mother told Buzzfeed.

She says it all started with Michael Jackson videos when he was three years old, and there’s evidence: Here’s a video of little Charlie doing his interpretation of the Thriller dance. Now, will somebody please show this kid Footloose?