Watch an 11-Mile-Long Print of 'Interstellar' Being Put Together

In preparation for tomorrow’s 70mm IMAX release of the highly anticipated sci-fi epic, projectionist Armando Mena explains the process of assembling 48 separate reels of the movie onto a single 6-foot platter. This large-size film format — a favorite of director Christopher Nolan — offers more than 10 times the visual information of conventional 35mm filmMore than 11 miles of footage, weighing more than 600 pounds, will unspool sideways through the boxy projector, with images thrown onto a huge five-story screen. 

Related: What’s Behind the Struggle to Save Film Stock?

Interstellar will have the largest IMAX release ever, unspooling in more that 760 screens around the world (including about 370 domestic venues). With the great majority of U.S. movie theaters having made the transition to digital projection, IMAX theaters might soon be the only places to view movies on film.

Want to see Interstellar? Visit our Showtimes page to get tickets.