Watch All 6 'Star Wars' Movies… at the Same Time

Maybe you’ve watched all six Star Wars movies — but have you watched them all at once? If not, you may want to clear a couple hours from your calendar and press “play” on the video above. Created by YouTube user Maurcs, Star Wars Wars layers the entirety of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith on top of one another, with mesmerizing results. Watch the full movie above, or scroll down for highlights.

While the combined sounds of all six movies can be overwhelming (so many laser blasts!), the visual juxtapositions are fascinating — even beautiful.  The first few minutes are a collage of space battles…


… but soon, familiar characters start to appear.


Seeing the groundbreaking special effects from the original trilogy (like the Princess Leia hologram, below) on top of the digital effects from the ‘90s is fascinating.


Sometimes, the characters seem to be looking into their own pasts (or futures).


And sometimes, Jar Jar Binks comes between Han and Leia.


The combined climaxes of the movies are dazzling. Here, the Galactic Senate duel from Revenge of the Sith plays against the faces of the characters.


And finally, proof that the prequels are a little too long: Credits on the first Star Wars are rolling, and Jar Jar still hasn’t shut up.


Images: maurcs at Ingur, Lucasfilm