Elijah Wood and Conan O'Brien Play Final Fantasy XV and Shout at Creators

On Monday's Conan, Elijah Wood joined Conan O'Brien for another segment of Clueless Gamer. The two played Final Fantasy XV and the Lord of the Rings star helped O'Brien on the long journey. The game started out with the character's car breaking down. O'Brien was shocked that something so mundane would be put into a video game. The two skipped forward to a hopefully more interesting section but were only met with boring conversations about a dress. When the two found out that the game requires 72 hours of play to defeat one specific portion, they became enraged and insulted the game and its creators. What they didn't know was that the game creators were in the other room, watching everything he and Wood said. They had to pass the creators on their way out, which was an awkward situation. O'Brien did not positively review the game and instead shouted to the creators, "You're a mass murderer of people's time."