TV Reporter Confuses Kristen Wiig Movies, Suffers Live On-Air Humiliation

We all screw up in our jobs. But when you’re a news broadcaster who conducts live on-air interviews, your mistakes can be much more magnified. Meaning: They can show up on YouTube with the video title “Reporter Epicly Fails at Interviewing Kristen Wiig.” (And speaking of screwing up jobs, that correct spelling is: epically).

The high-energy (or highly caffeinated) reporter Chris Parente from Denver’s CW affiliate KWGN scored a live-via-satellite interview with Skeleton Twins duo Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader — and muffed his research pretty badly. While Parente gives the impression that he’s actually seen the film, it becomes painfully clear that he definitely has not when he asks Wiig for advice for going full frontal. It’s a pretty icky question to begin with, but made worse by the fact that the nudity he’s referencing was in a different Wiig movie: her recent Toronto debut Welcome to Me. The Sundance hit Skeleton Twins did not play Toronto and, thus, was not “the talk of the festival,” as Parente describes it.

Wiig and Hader proceed to have all sorts of fun at Parente’s expense (Hader: “Chris, this is live… I just want to remind you that this is live”), and to his credit, he joins in with some self-mockery of his own. “There’s no Muppets in this?” he asks repeatedly before conceding, “I will never work in Hollywood again.”    

Read our interview with Wiig and Hader here. We can’t promise it’s as entertaining, but we have actually seen the film. (Sorry, Chris.)