Today in ‘Star Wars’: J.J. Abrams On-Set Video, ‘Star Wars’ Baseball, and Possible Spoilers

Want to see a real X-Wing fighter? Today’s your lucky day! Star Wars: Episode 7 director J.J. Abrams has made a new video to promote his UNICEF fundraising project, “Star Wars: Force For Change.” Shot within Pinewood Studios in London, the clip shows Abrams discussing his charity initiative, as the camera gradually pulls back to reveal that he’s standing right next to a battle-scarred X-Wing. As if that weren’t enough to geek out over, the video also features glimpses of a pilot in full Rebel Alliance uniform and an MSE-6 repair droid – you know, the one that looks like a toaster and acts like a mouse (when it runs into Wookiees). For old-school Star Wars fans, seeing these things in real life, rather than via computer animation, is a real treat. It also proves that Abrams was serious when he promised to create a rugged, lived-in world in the style of the original trilogy, rather than the slick, artificial landscape of the prequels. Fans who want to see more can contribute to Abrams’ UNICEF charity and win a chance to visit the set, shoot a cameo in Episode 7, or host a private early screening.

Alternately, creative fans can find a way to bring Star Wars to their own backyard. That’s what happened on Sunday, when the MLB’s Arizona Diamondbacks hosted ‘Star Wars’ Day at their Phoenix home ballpark. Kids showed up dressed as Yoda and Princess Leia, Storm Troopers helped lead the national anthem, and even the announcers donned full-body costumes. At the end of the day, the Diamondbacks beat the Chicago Cubs 3-2, prompting pitcher Josh Collmenter to comment, “I’d be remiss if I didn’t say the force was with us today.”

One more piece of Star Wars news broke yesterday – but some fans may not want to see it. The Alamo Drafthouse-affiliated website Badass Digest posted what they claim are exclusive plot details for Episode 7. [SPOILERS BEGIN HERE] According to blogger Devin Faraci, the film opens with Luke Skywalker’s severed hand, still clutching a lightsaber from his duel with Darth Vader, floating through space. The hand lands on desert a planet, where it’s discovered by the film’s heroes, played by John Boyega (reportedly a Storm-Trooper-turned-good-guy) and Daisy Ridley. The two of them decide to return the relic to the Jedis, a quest that takes them around the universe and into the orbit of some familiar characters (specifically Chewbacca and Han Solo). At the same time, a “super weapon” – like a Death Star, perhaps? – is being constructed on an ice planet by the film’s villains.

Are there genuine details from the top-secret Episode 7 script? Maybe, maybe not – but either way, Stars Wars fans will get months of speculation out of it.