This New NSFW 'Vacation' Trailer Is Naughtiest Yet

This exclusive red-band trailer for Vacation serves as a reminder: Just because the upcoming comedy, starring Ed Helms as an all-grown-up Rusty Griswold, is about a family, doesn’t mean it’s family-friendly. Filled with F-bombs — mostly coming from the youngest member of the Griswold brood — this continuation of the popular 1980s series ups the ante in gross-out, off-color humor.

The footage offers new revelations, too:

—Debbie Griswold (Christina Applegate) was known as “Debbie Do Anything” at her college sorority. Apparently that involved swilling alcohol until passing out, among other things.

—Kevin Griswold (Steele Stebbins) may be young, but that doesn’t stop him from cursing like a sailor. And his parents don’t seem to mind it a bit.

—Some poor soul is going to fall off a huge waterfall in a raft.

At least we know the Griswold parents have unconditional love for their boys, even if one of them, hypothetically speaking, happened to be born a eunuch.

Toxic mud baths, sexual misspeak, and more is in store when Vacation parks its turquoise Tartan Prancer in theaters on July 29.