'Terminator Genisys' Clip: Sarah Connor Explains the Time Travel Hook

If you’re still confused about how next month’s Terminator Genisys fits into the continuity of the earlier movies, a new clip above from the movie features Emilia Clarke’s Sarah Connor explaining all. Spoilers: Everything you know is wrong.

Related: Read more ‘Genisys’ coverage

“The 1984 John sent you to no longer exists,” Connor tells Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney in this version of events). The Terminator that Reese was sent to destroy — the one that Arnold Schwarzenegger played in James Cameron’s original movie — was already taken care of, as Connor puts it…with the help of an older Schwarzenegger. “Everything’s changed,” Connor says, with a mild sense of understatement.

This is just one of the two main changes that Genisys makes to Terminator mythology; the second, as revealed in a trailer in April, is that John Connor has gone from being the leader of the resistance against the artificial intelligent dystopian future to being part robot himself in the new movie.

Watch the trailer:

Directed by Alan Taylor and also starring Jason Clarke, J.K. Simmons and former Doctor Who star Matt Smith, Terminator Genisys will be released July 1.