
  • NewsYahoo Movies

    Wolverine's Military Records and Personal Journals Revealed

    In a well done April Fools’ reveal, the personal journals and records of James “Logan” Howlett — or, as he’s better known, the X-Men’s Wolverine — were unveiled by Canada on Friday. The joke came via an official release from Library and Archives Canada, which underplayed the gag all the way to the end, where it noted that his operative name changed at one point to “Wolverine,” with an artificially-aged still of Hugh Jackman as the movie version of the character used as illustration. The releas

  • NewsYahoo Movies

    Hugh Jackman's Final 'Wolverine' Movie Targets R Rating

    Insiders say the untitled Wolverine threequel, which James Mangold begins shooting in a month, was always designed as a movie that would receive an R from the ratings board.

  • NewsKevin Polowy

    Hugh Jackman on Ryan Reynolds's Dis: Wolverine Would Beat Deadpool '100 Percent'

    Deadpool has been incessantly shooting off his trap — as Deadpool is wont to do — over the past few weeks in the ramp up to his titular movie, out Feb. 12. Among the most notable targets of Ryan Reynolds’s mouthy alter ego: Wolverine. Specifically, the 2009 movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where the Marvel mercernary made his first big-screen appearance alongside Hugh Jackman’s hirsute hero.