Movie:the Program

  • NewsYahoo Premium Partners

    Ben Foster 'Definitely Damaged' Body Taking Drugs for Lance Armstrong Role

    ‘The Program’ (Courtesy of TIFF) By Alex Ritman, The Hollywood Reporter Ben Foster went to extreme lengths to take on the role of Lance Armstrong in Stephen Frears’ The Program, admitting just a few weeks ago that he took performance-enhancing drugs as part of his research.

  • NewsKevin Polowy

    TIFF 2015: Lance Armstrong Doping Drama 'The Program' Shows Cyclist as Sociopath

    The world’s collective view of Lance Armstrong shifted dramatically in 2013 when, after more than a decade of denials, he admitted to Oprah Winfrey that he had in fact taken performance-enhancing drugs on his way to winning seven Tour de France titles. The new film The Program, which recounts the rise and fall of Armstrong (Ben Foster), with a heavy emphasis on the disgraced biker’s doping habits, premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival this week, and it paints the cyclist in an un