Found Footage Festival

  • NewsSuperfan TV

    Fake Strongmen Prankers Sued by News Station, Appeal to Fans for Help

    The men behind Chop & Steele and Kenny "K-Strass" Strasser are being sued for their prank appearances.

  • NewsSuperfan TV

    ‘Found Footage’ Duo Pranks Local News Again, This Time as Fake Strongmen Chop and Steele

    Chop and Steele may seem like your friendly neighborhood gym rats with some unconventional tips for strengthening your core, but looks can be deceiving. The duo are actually Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher, founders and hosts of the Found Footage Festival, a touring road show of weird clips from home videos and public access television. There’s Kenny “K-Strass” Strasser, a self-proclaimed yo-yo master, actually a character created by Joe Pickett and played with perfect patheticness by Mark Proksc