Fast Money

  • NewsSuperfan TV

    ‘Family Feud’ Contestants Give Truly Terrible Answers in Fast Money

    The clue from Harvey was, “Name a word that follows ‘Binge.’” Gentle answered, “Needles.” Then Justin had some serious issues with the word “Binge” as well.

  • NewsSuperfan

    ‘Family Feud’ Contestant’s Unbelievable Score in ‘Fast Money’ Round

    “Family Feud” contestant Kai got an unbelievably high score as the first to play the “Fast Money” round for the Trimble family. Then she turned and seemed to tell Harvey, “I told you so.” When Kai's teammate learned how few points she needed, she said, “Are you kidding me?” Still, those points didn't turn out to be that easy to come by.

  • NewsSuperfan

    Steve Harvey Builds the Drama for an Exciting Fast Money Finish on ‘Family Feud’

    Things were looking good for the Siurek family on Family Feud after they earned their way into the Fast Money round. Host Steve Harvey was quick to point out the kind of pressure that Steve the contestant was under. “You gotta get this or else your ranking in the family, it goes, it drops severely,” Harvey said, referencing the 16 points needed to win.