Fast And Furious 7

  • NewsMeriah Doty

    Watch All of the Super Bowl 2015 Movie Trailers Here!

    As reported, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady makes an appropriately raunchy cameo in the new TV spot for the comedy sequel. When Ted and Tami-Lynn decide they want a baby, they need to find a superstar sperm donor. On the plus side, Ted gets to experience one of Brady’s perfect spirals first-hand.

  • NewsMeriah Doty

    15 Frenzy-Worthy Films of 2015

    When we got going on our monster list of most anticipated movies coming out this year , we found ourselves constantly wanting to turn to the next page. 2015 is sizing up to be the most monstrous movie year of all — with mega-franchises like “The Avengers,” “The Hunger Games,” and “Star Wars” poised to break all kinds of box office records. (Thankfully “Avatar 2” is slated for 2016, otherwise our heads would explode!) Forget 2014, here are the year-from-now movies that have us wishing we could tr