'Suicide Squad: The B Team': Funny or Die Pages Dr. Evil, The Grinch, and...Mrs. Doubtfire?

Suicide Squad: The B Team from Funny Or Die

DC Comics’ villains are recruited by the government to save the world in Suicide Squad, David Ayer’s so-bad-they’re-good superhero film hitting theaters Aug. 5. Sure, its cast of cretins is impressive — including Will Smith’s Deadshot, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney’s Boomerang, and Jared Leto’s clown prince of crime, The Joker — but it’s no match for the Suicide Squad’s back-up crew, which has now received its own unveiling courtesy of the fine folks at Funny or Die.

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In its brand-new trailer for Suicide Squad: The B-Team (watch above), the comedy site gives some of the movies’ most absurd baddies their moment in the sun. Set to the soaring sound of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” just like the latest Suicide Squad preview, the clip imagines DC’s forthcoming saga with recruits like Beetlejuice, the Grinch, Dr. Evil, and Mrs. Doubtfire — there’s even room for John Travolta’s ridiculously dreadlocked alien from Battlefield Earth.

Funny or Die doesn’t stop there, piling on silly sociopaths from The Goonies, Hocus Pocus, Home Alone, Demolition Man, and – our favorite — Happy Gilmore. While we’re not sure this band of second-string scoundrels are quite as formidable as their A Team counterparts, after this trailer, we’re primed for an over-the-top all-star super-comedy.

‘Suicide Squad’: See the actual trailer: