'Star Wars' Auditions Continue in New Bonus Spoof from 'SNL'

With The Force Awakens soaring on home video, and Rogue One months away from its theatrical bow (reshoots notwithstanding), Star Wars is an evergreen target for Saturday Night Live spoofs. After debuting a series of phony auditions for The Force Awakens back in November, SNL has now released a bonus batch of make-believe try-outs for the sci-fi franchise (watch it above). While the actual stars of J.J. Abrams’s hit, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, get to play for laughs here, it’s the SNL cast’s absurd impersonations and drop-ins from guest stars that keep the bit surprising.

Related: Check Out Mad Magazine’s ‘Star Wars’ Predictions From 1982

Without giving away the most notable cameos, we can say that at least one recent Oscar winner shows up to wow Abrams as fan favorite Lando Calrissian, the roguish Billy Dee Williams character who did not return for the series’ seventh outing. We also get “auditions” by the real Jon Hamm and Emma Stone.

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While they don’t quite rise to the inspired heights of the show’s most famous Star Wars audition bits — check out two 1997 clips (found here and here) featuring, among others, Kevin Spacey as Christopher Walken trying out for the role of Han Solo — SNL’s latest crop of outtakes still qualify as must-see TV.

Get the ‘Star Wars’ cast’s tips on how to properly play with their action figures: