MTV Movie Awards: Shailene Wins Big, Tells Audience to 'Blaze On'

This year’s MTV Movie Awards belonged to Shailene Woodley.

The Fault in Our Stars and Divergent series star made several trips up to the stage to accept the night’s biggest haul of golden popcorns. She won an MTV Trailblazer Award, nabbed trophies for Best Female Performance and Best Kiss (with her TFIOS co-star Ansel Elgort), and was part of the crew that accepted the Best Movie Award for the film (you can read the complete list of winners here).

In all, the 23-year-old actress ended up giving three speeches. But it was the one excerpted in the video above — in which she accepted her Trailblazer Award — that  made us want to hug our neighbors. It began with a heartfelt introduction from her Divergent co-star Miles Teller, who recalled first meeting Woodley for the first time in 2011 (when she brought a mason jar full of spring water to a coffee shop), and noted the actress’s penchant for “heart hugs.”

Then Woodley took the stage, where she praised previous Trailblazer winner Emma Stone, and began a long, charming, and slightly confusing spiel on the need for community before becoming somewhat tripped up.

“What am I trying to say? I just have no idea,” she admitted to the audience, then launched into a sincere send-off. “Looking at all of you — I know some of you, I don’t know some of you, but for all of you who have been pillars to me, thank you. And for all of you who I have been able to be a pillar for, I will continue to be a pillar for. Whoever your community is, be pillars for those people. And let’s — well I was going to say ‘Let’s blaze on,’ but I don’t know if I can say that. So let’s trailblaze on!”