See Eva Green Go Noir in an Exclusive Clip From 'Sin City: A Dame to Kill For'

Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez’s first Sin City movie sure felt like film noir reborn, but it lacked one key element: the femme fatale. The sequel, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, makes up for it plenty with Eva Green’s Ava Lord, who is also the film’s titular dame. In this exclusive clip, we see the aftermath of the titular kill.

Green’s character, who spends the bulk of the film in states of undress and has been stirring up controversy even before the film’s release, with images of her in both the poster and the trailer proving too racy for various outlets, complaints centering around the amounts of Green cleavage displayed in the campaign.

Josh Brolin, in many ways the conscience of Basin City, plays Dwight McCarthy (Clive Owen in the first film), a private eye who earns his paychecks snapping pics of adulterous men. When his ex, Ava, reappears in his life, seduces him, and tells him she’s being abused by her current beau, Dwight goes against his better judgment and kills the excessively wealthy man.

"What did it feel like, murdering an innocent man?" Ava asks him almost immediately after the deed is done. Now there’s a femme fatale.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For opens Aug. 22.