Zimmerman Juror Scores Anderson Cooper Appearance, Possibly Book Deal

Zimmerman Juror Scores Anderson Cooper Appearance, Possibly Book Deal

A woman who served as one of six jurors in the George Zimmerman trial is set to tell her story.

Two days after the Saturday night verdict that acquitted George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin, the woman known only as B37 and her attorney husband have signed with literary agent Sharlene Martin in the hopes of landing a book deal.

Also read: George Zimmerman Verdict Draws 10.6M Viewers on Cable News Networks

Ms. 37 also appeared on "Anderson Cooper 360" on Monday, the first juror from the trial to be interviewed. She remained anonymous, obscured by darkness, and told Cooper that she thought Zimmerman's heart "was in the right place but just got displaced by the vandalism in the neighborhoods and wanting to catch these people so badly that he went above and beyond what he should have done."

Yes, that's right. She did say "these people."

Here's the video:

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