Gwyneth Paltrow, Zach Braff, Craig Ferguson Co-Starred in a TV Pilot … 25 Years Ago [Video]

What? You don't remember the sitcom gem "High," starring late-night host Craig Ferguson, "Scrubs" star Zach Braff, and Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow? We don't, either, and with good reason: It was made 25 years ago, and it never got past the pilot stage.

But now that all three stars have notched quite a few successes on their resumés, video of the ill-fated series has been revealed, during Thursday night's "Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson."

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Braff was Ferguson's guest, and the two said they hadn't seen each other in 25 years, since the CBS pilot was shot. They shared a picture of the cast -- showing a long-haired, blond Paltrow, a teenage Braff, and Ferguson -- four years before his rehab stint, he said.

In the video above, Craiggers and Braff laugh over a clip from the pilot in which Ferguson plays a teacher who, Braff jokes, may have been prematurely impressed by his student's Game Boy skills.

Yeah, that's right … Game Boy.