Stars share anticipation for 44th annual Comic-Con

Stars share anticipation for 44th annual Comic-Con

Comic-Con veterans share what they're most looking forward to at the 44th annual edition of the international pop-culture celebration this week in San Diego:

— "My No. 1 most anticipated film of the year is 'Gravity.' I have recurring nightmares about drowning or being cut adrift in a spaceship, so it seems like it's going to be my ultimate horror movie. I cannot wait to see it." — "The World's End" filmmaker Edgar Wright.

— "Hall H. There is no place on earth like that. I can't wait to get out there and show the fans 'Wolverine' stuff. ('The Wolverine' director) Jim Mangold and I are gonna tell everyone about what we're gonna do. It's so close to our release that we're not teasing something that's nine months away." — "The Wolverine" star Hugh Jackman.

— "Neil deGrasse Tyson is remaking Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos,' which is a series I'm still obsessed with, and so to see a new version of that will be exciting. I'll probably hunt that down." — "Sleepy Hollow" star Tom Mison.

— "It'll be interesting to see what questions ("Star Wars: Episode VII" director J.J. Abrams) is given and how he answers. I guarantee you he's playing everything very close to the chest. He's going to want to keep it as quiet as possible." — "The Heart, She Holler" star Patton Oswalt.

— "I always get nerdy there. Every time we go down there, Alex (Kurtzman) and I buy weird T-shirts and toys. We make a point of getting a few comic books we've never heard of and buying some dorky toys that we have to justify to our wives." — "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" screenwriter Roberto Orci.

— "Last year, they had all the Batmobiles on display from the '60s all the way up to 'The Dark Knight,' and then there was that 'Walking Dead' obstacle course on the baseball field where the zombies actually chased you. I'm looking forward to whatever there is like that this year." — "Supernatural" actor Rob Benedict.