Rob Kardashian Claims He Got Rita Ora Pregnant

Rob Kardashian Claims He Got Rita Ora Pregnant

The Twitter drama continues between Rob Kardashian and ex-girlfriend Rita Ora.

After Rob sent out a flurry of tweets Monday morning claiming that Rita Ora cheated on him with 20 guys, she hit back with a vulgar insult, which led to Rob's claim that he had gotten the 22-year-old pregnant.

Related: Rob Kardashian Accuses Rita of Cheating with 20 Guys

After retweeting Rita's tweet "Rob's d*** was wack, I had to get it somewhere else," Rob tweeted, "So you let me get you pregnant and you let others hit raw?"

Both Rob and Rita have since deleted their tweets, but a screencap of their testy exchange can be seen here.

According to The Sun, the two split due to the distance between them, though clearly, there's no love lost.

Related: Rob K is Lying About Law School, USC Says

"She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together, I wonder how many she will sleep with now that we apart? But I mean 20?!!!," he tweeted Monday. "How can a woman who is so busy trying to start her own career have time to be with so many dudes all while in a relationship?!"

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