Kristen Stewart: 'I'm a Miserable C***'

Kristen Stewart: 'I'm a Miserable C***'

Kristen Stewart is provocative as ever in an interview with Marie Claire, where she actually refers to herself as "a miserable c***."

Yes, she went there.

When asked what makes her happy in a Q and A with Balenciaga creative director Nicolas Ghesquiere, Kristen replies, "I'm a miserable c***! I'm not sure if I'm most happy when I'm comfortable and content or when I'm pushing myself to the limits. There are such different versions of happy. And I really appreciate both."

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Interestingly enough, Marie Claire's Alice Olins calls out Kristen for being intentionally rebellious, writing, "The actress is all too aware she's on show, and the 'on-show' Stewart can be brash and provocative. I mean, if I was the new face of Balenciaga and had the pick of the latest collection to wear, I wouldn't have chosen a neoprene vest and grubby-looking jeans for the interview."


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But Kristen is game enough to talk Twilight, specifically the perceived notion that her character Bella basically dresses the same as her in her downtime. (Note, she does.)

"We both wear lots of casual clothes. But her actual style is very far away from mine," she claims. "I always wanted Bella to be practical and unassuming, yet cooler than everyone else."

And what's the key to being "cool?"

"It's about being on the edge of something -- about not taking the easy route," she says. "To be cool is not to be crippled by yourself."

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