Kat Von D Removes Huge Jesse James Tattoo

Kat Von D Removes Huge Jesse James Tattoo

After accepting a Twitter proposal from her now-fiancé DG Deadmau5 Saturday, Kat Von D found it fitting to start the removal process of the tattoo she got of her ex-fiancé Jesse James.

"I get to start the day off with some good ol' tattoo laser removal! #ouchville #sillytattoos #creatingjobs :)," she tweeted, following it up with a pic of her smiling hugely with a thumbs up sign.

Related: Kat Von D Accepts Bizarre Twitter Proposal

She then tweeted the above montage of lasers pointing straight at the tattoo of Jesse's fifth grade face, making sure there was no mistaking which one of her multiple tattoos she was getting removed.

Kat alleged that Jesse cheated on her with 19 women over the course of their relationship.

"Today I encountered the 19th girl to add to the list of people Jesse cheated on me with during this last year," the L.A. Ink star wrote on her Facebook last November after their breakup. "I know I deserve a big fat 'I told you so,' from everyone, and wish I didn't have to say, 'You all were more right than you'll ever know' but you were."

Pics: Jesse James & Kat Von D's Inked-Up Love

Kat memorably surprised Jesse with a tattoo on her ribcage of his fifth grade school photo on an episode of her now canceled TLC show.

"He had a rough childhood, so to see what he's become from there, it's amazing. That's why I wanted the picture of him as a child, to capture that certain innocence," she explained in the episode. "It was good having him beside me while we finished. The tattoo is a way of him recognizing somebody loves him."

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