Bill Murray's Rock The Kasbah Is The Biggest Flop Of 2015


Not a list you want to be at the top of, the annual Forbes list of the least profitable movies of the year has been unveiled.

And it’s Bill Murray’s Afghan caper ‘Rock The Kasbah’ that’s been awarded this year’s wooden spoon (check the trailer out down at the bottom).

The list bases its calculations on the return on investment, using box office data and production budget estimates.

The unlucky entrants also had to open in over 2000 theatres in the US before November this year.


'Rock The Kasbah’, which was panned by critics too, made just a 19 percent return, according to Forbes.

Not so close behind is Sean Penn’s hitman disaster 'The Gunman’, which brought back 27 percent of the money it cost.

Here’s the full top 15 of Hollywood’s biggest losers of the year:

1. Rock The Kasbah (19 percent return)
2. The Gunman (27 percent)
3. Blackhat (28 percent)
4. Unfinished Business (41 percent)
5. Jem And The Holograms (46 percent)
6. Self/Less (47 percent)
7. American Ultra (55 percent)
8. We Are Your Friends (60 percent)
9. Aloha (71 percent)
10. Mortdecai (79 percent)
11. Pan (80 percent)
12. Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (94 percent)
13. Jupiter Ascending (104 percent)
14. Tomorrowland (110 percent)
15. Crimson Peak (114 percent)

Interestingly, it shows that big names don’t translate into big returns.

Among the top 15 is some of the biggest talent in Hollywood, from Chris Hemsworth ('Blackhat’) and Kristen Stewart ('American Ultra’) to Johnny Depp ('Mortdecai’) and Bradley Cooper ('Aloha’).


See also Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum ('Jupiter Ascending’), George Clooney ('Tomorrowland’) and Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnam and Jessica Chastain ('Crimson Peak’).

You can check out the full report here.

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Image credits: Rex/Open Road/Universal